Author: DrN
Stress Is Being Here When You Want To Be There
If, as Eckhart Tolle says, stress is being “here” when you want to be “there,” then – when it comes to mastering stress – you have two choices in life: 1) You can choose instead to actually want to be “here” and refocus on finding things you can enjoy in the present moment, in your…
Be All That You Are Capable of Being
Sometimes, reducing stress in our lives involves doing less. We all understand the importance of that. But sometimes, reducing stress involves doing more. What’s more? It is being committed to a more purposeful, noble and worthwhile goal in life—one that drives us to become the very best that we can be. When we do more…
Stress Relief By Mantra
Having a mantra can be a powerful shield against stress. Pick a word or phrase that has meaning to you and have it ready to go when you encounter difficulties, conflicts or challenges in life. I like this one, “I choose to be calm. I choose to be clear. I choose to respond from my…
“A sense of humor is critical for achieving stress mastery and good health.”
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“I believe about good health what Yogi Berra believed about baseball—it’s 90% mental and the other half is physical!”
“When you have purpose,
you have peace of mind.” -
“Stress is not your enemy—it is your teacher.”
Happiness Is A Moral Obligation
No one says it better than my favorite talk show host, mentor and N.Y. Times bestselling author Dennis Prager, when he says that happy people make the world better and unhappy people make it worse. After years of writing and speaking on the subject of happiness, including his remarkable book, Happiness Is A Serious Issue,…
“Wisdom, which is the ability to discern or judge what is right, true or lasting—is essential for stress mastery and good health.”
Rocky Balboa On Taking Responsibility For Your Life
One of the foundational principles of stress mastery is that you need to take 100% responsibility for the results in your life. It’s true that you are not 100% responsible for every event that happens in your life. Of course, many things happen that are beyond your control. But, you are 100% responsible for how…