Category: Stress Reduction

  • Is Your Skin Showing Signs Of Stress?

    Erase Signs Of Stress From Your Skin When you look in the mirror do you see signs of stress on your skin? If you have been living with ongoing or high levels of stress and not taking steps to help your body deal with it, you can be sure it is having an effect on…

  • Overcome Depression Naturally

    Natural Ways To Fight Depression And Stress Anyone can find themselves feeling down or sad, but for some people (and certain times in life) it’s worse than others. There are many levels of depression all the way from a down day to serious condition needing medical support. The root of depression varies just as widely.…

  • Stopping a Panic Attack

    Take These Steps To Stop A Panic Attack A panic attack can be upsetting and frightening. With several million Americans experiencing panic attacks on a regular basis and many more experiencing a panic attack once or more but not regularly they are not uncommon. If you have experienced a panic attack and not yet discussed…

  • Calm Anxiety On The Go

    Help Starts In Your Head Anyone who struggles with anxiety knows about the internal monologue that can start to spiral downward when you get stressed. Questions, fears, uncertainty, confusion – that little voice in your head can get out of control and make you lose focus, or even fall into the beginning of a panic…

  • Self Care Helps Combat Stress

    Self Care Is Vital To Reduce Stress Life in the twenty-first century is demanding and complicated. People have demands coming from many places at the same time. Work demands, family demands, financial demands, social demands only to name a few. Many of us have been taught and rightly believe that hard work pays off. As…

  • Is Your Cortisol Curve Out Of Balance?

    The Normal Cortisol Curve And How It Gets Out Of Balance Cortisol is necessary for normal healthy functioning. It’s one of the vital elements that keep our systems in balance. It makes your blood pressure go up only when it needs to go up. It gives you extra energy when you need it to perform.…

  • Help For Your Thyroid And Adrenal – Ashwagandha

    Ashwagandha Can Improve Thyroid And Adrenal Function Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb that has shown incredible results in balancing thyroid hormones and treating adrenal fatigue. It has been widely studied and shown to reduce inflammation, stress, and cortisol levels. It can also help with depression, cognitive function, and anxiety. There are many other ways that…

  • Chase Away Stress Hormones

    Get Those Stress Hormones Out of Your System Hormones that your body produces during times of stress, (cortisol and epinephrine)  are a necessary part of life and health. The problems they create — like a feeling of anxiety or stress, weight gain, and many, many others — enter the scene when those hormones build up…

  • The Relationship Between Sleep And Hormones

    Sleep And Hormones Work Together It sounds like the old expression “which came first, the chicken or the egg?” when it comes to the relationship between sleep and hormones. Balanced hormones are essential to getting a good night’s sleep, but good, deep sleep is the time your body is most effective at creating the hormonal…

  • Increase Your Social Connections To Reduce Stress

    Any Positive Social Connection Helps Reduce Stress We all know that stress is a real problem for good health. Our world today floods our lives with stress from so many angles that it is important to learn how to reduce and manage stress using a variety of tools. Today we’re going to look at the…