*** Take Our Online STRESS TEST! ***


Neil-BookPic-Transparent-croppedDear Friend,

No doubt about it, stress can play havoc with our physical health and emotional well-being! And the big problem is, stress is invisible, so most often … we are not aware of how much stress we are under until we start to experience a breakdown in our physical health or emotional well-being.

If you think you have a fever, you test it by taking your temperature. If you think you are under too much stress, then why not test it and see how you measure up?


Thank you so much for trusting in us to help guide you in better managing your stress and taking back control of your physical health and emotional well-being by using powerful skills and not just pills.

Enjoy the test!

Neil F. Neimark, M.D.
Board Certified Family Physician
Fellow of The American Institute of Stress

Founder & Director of www.NeilMD.com

P.S. This test is based on the Perceived Stress Scale,  developed by the great stress researcher, Dr. Sheldon Cohen, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Pathology and Psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh Medical School. It’s simple to take (only 10 questions) and it gives you a nice way to see how you measure up against the general population. Additionally, you can come back again and again and retake the test to see how your levels are changing over time: for better or for worse!

Stress Test


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