Goals Can Change Your Life & Reduce Your Stress

bigstock-Friendly-businessman-suggestin-26986385“Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.” Vince Lombardi

There’s no doubt about it–setting goals is a powerful way to reduce your stress.  Why? Because goals are dreams that move us out of the status quo, that compel us to grow, that drive us to greatness.

Without goals to pull us forward, despair will drag us backward.

In this sense, goals give us a sense of purpose and direction, vital pathways to stress mastery.

There’s a great saying by Clint Eastwood in Bridges of Madison County, where he says, “The old dreams were good dreams. They didn’t come true, but I’m glad I had ’em.”

From a standpoint of health and happiness, whether your dreams come true is less important than that you have dreams to drive you forward in life.

So, i f you are ready to grow your way out of stress, set some powerful goals today.

Just click here to learn more about our powerful goal setting program entitled, “You Can Do It!”



