Category: The Body/Mind Connection

  • How To Know If You Have A Hormone Imbalance

    Are You Experiencing Hormone Imbalance? Feeling off lately? Maybe for a long time? It’s possible you are experiencing hormone imbalance. Your hormones keep all your body systems working well. They are absolutely essential to a healthy, happy life! But when that delicate balance gets out of whack, it can make you feel awful. Many of the…

  • Are You Exposed To These Toxins?

    Avoid Toxins To Improve Your Health All of us are exposed to toxins every day, but no matter how common, they can still create real problems in our overall health. The greater your exposure to different toxins, the greater your risk of health problems. Some level of exposure to toxins is unavoidable, but there are…

  • How Stress Can Be Toxic

    What is Toxic Stress? There’s a lot of discussion about “toxic” things nowadays – toxic people, toxic foods, and more. But toxic stress is a unique thing. This phrase describes a long-lasting stressful pattern, as described below, and it can wreak havoc on your life and health. Recognizing toxic stress in your own life is…

  • Meditation Could Help You Better Cope With Pain

    How Many People Have Chronic Pain? Do you struggle with chronic pain? There’s a difference between acute pain that you experience from an injury, and chronic pain resulting from something like nerve damage, an illness, or some other longstanding condition. People are often prescribed opiates for chronic pain, but sadly this can result in dependence…

  • Staying Positive Is A MUST For True Health

    What Do Positive People Do? What do positive people do differently? How do they deal with negative pressures or energies from people, work, or life at large, and still remain calm and healthy? There are a few key habits that we could all instill more prominently into our lives to become more positive and more…

  • The Relationship Between Pain And Mindfulness

     The Science Behind Mindfulness And Pain We have an epidemic of pain and pills in this country. People who struggle with chronic pain have been given pills for years, only to become dependent and see their pain issues worsen as their brain chemistry shifts to accommodate the medication. But what if pills and chemicals weren’t…

  • Are You Being Held Back By Negative Thinking?

    How negative thinking changes the brain The path to understanding why positive thinking matters so much starts with grasping just how negative thinking affects you – in particular, how it can change your brain. This is a great breakdown from an expert in the field, Rick Hanson, Ph.D., a neuropsychologist and founder of the Wellspring…

  • Start Your Journey Today

    Within each one of us there lies a “healing system” capable of fighting off disease, combating infection and bringing us greater energy, vitality and well-being. In any medical text we can read about the “digestive system”, the “circulatory system” or the “nervous system”, but nowhere can we find a chapter on the “healing system”. Yet…

  • Need Better Ways To Stay Calm?

    How Can You Curb Your Stress? We all have stressors in our everyday lives – but what do the people who deal with the biggest, baddest stressors around do to deal with their anxiety? These are two of the best techniques to put you back in control of your emotions and not live under the…

  • Could Exercise Help Your Anxiety?

    Relationship of Exercise to Anxiety Disorders We’ve all heard it time and time again: “you should be more active!” But what if just a little extra exercise – maybe even just ten minutes of walking! – could make a difference not only in your heath, but in your head, too? It turns out activity could…