Category: Health
The Benefits – And Precautions – Of 5-HTP
5-HTP – A Funny Name For A Powerful Supplement If you’ve looked for help with things like anxiety, depression, insomnia, or even fibromyalgia, you’ve likely heard of 5-HTP. It’s a fairly common supplement, with potentially uncommon effects. Let’s be clear – 5-HTP will not replace anti-anxiety medication and it should not be considered a life-long…
What Do You Know About Autoimmune Disease and Women?
Autoimmune Disease Is Increasing In Women There are a host of diseases known as autoimmune diseases. They are serious conditions once thought to be very rare, then rare, and today the numbers are increasing at an alarming rate, particularly in women. Up to this point, it’s been believed that once diagnosed with an autoimmune disease it…
Improve Sleep And Stress With Prebiotics
Prebiotics May Help With Sleep and Stress Levels For most people sleep and stress are linked. Stress makes it tough to get a good night’s sleep. If sleep problems persist they can become a regular pattern and lack of good, deep, restful sleep can cause a host of other health issues. To add insult to…
How Eating Carrots Can Help Hormone Imbalance
Can Eating Carrots Really Help Hormone Imbalance? It sounds too simple to be true but eating a carrot a day can go a long way in the effort to correct your hormonal imbalance. If you are having symptoms of estrogen dominance, low progesterone, or PMS, like mood swings, insomnia, night sweats or other miserable hormone…
Estrogen Dominance And How To Win The Fight!
Understanding Estrogen Dominance Estrogen dominance is more common than you may think. Between our normal hormone imbalances, nutritional deficiencies and estrogen mimicking chemicals in our environment we can end up with far more estrogen floating around our systems than is healthy. With all that extra estrogen in our systems our bodies develop a myriad of troublesome…
Try Progressive Muscle Relaxation To Keep Yourself Calm
Reduce Stress Through… Tension? Well, kind of. The practice of progressive muscle relaxation gives you a way to relieve stress and calm both your body and mind, by carefully isolating each part of your body. For that one part (say, your right foot) you will first tense the muscles, then release them. This helps give…
Is Testosterone Important For Women?
Testosterone Is More Important For Women Than You Think! As a woman, have you ever had your testosterone checked? Chances are you haven’t or you aren’t sure. Many women think of testosterone as a hormone that is strictly for men. Nothing could be farther from the truth. If you struggle with low energy or mood…
Help For Hot Flashes At Any Age!
Feeling Sweaty? Do you ever find yourself hot when everyone else is cold? Or waking up sweaty for no apparent reason? You’re not alone! These temperature swings are all too common for women, and not just during menopause. Hormonal imbalances or swings throughout the month can cause you to feel like a furnace at any…
Reduce Inflammation With Vitamin C
An Easy Way to Reduce Inflammation Is As Close As Your Pantry Inflammation throughout the body has been linked to many serious medical conditions. From PCOS to arthritis to heart disease, inflammation plays an integral role in damaging our health. We all want to reduce inflammation to improve our current health and protect our future…
Understand The Adrenal Thyroid Connection
How Does The Adrenal Thyroid Connection Affect You? If the adrenal thyroid connection sounds too complicated and you just want help with losing weight or gaining energy, don’t stop reading now! Today we are going to look at how these two important glands work together and how one can interfere with the other in keeping your…