Category: Health
Tips To Reduce Stress With Your Brain – Positive Thinking Part 2
Direct Your Thoughts To Positive Thinking For Less Stress The damaging nature of stress is well known today. It’s also well known that the vast majority of people today believe they experience stress on a regular basis. You can reduce the stress you experience by learning to apply positive thinking. There is an old expression…
What Changing Your Mind Can Do For Your Health – Positive Thinking Part 1
Positive Thinking – A Tool To Improve Your Health! It sounds simplistic to say that positive thinking can actually make a difference in your physical health. More and more medical studies are finding that is exactly what happens. When people develop habits of thinking about the good things in their lives, focusing on the moment…
Exercise For Better Brain Function And Less Stress!
In A Few Minutes Think More Clearly And Have Less Stress If you are stressed or depressed, the thought of taking time and making a way to exercise may just sound like a big extra load of stress piled on top of your already stress filled life! Nothing could be farther from the truth. To…
How To Increase Insulin Sensitivity
Are You Insulin Resistant? Women with hormone imbalance issues often hear the term “insulin resistance” thrown around in the doctor’s office. Have you heard this term in relation to your PCOS, insomnia, chronic fatigue, or other diagnosis? Insulin resistance isn’t a guarantee of diabetes, but it can be a precursor to it if you’re not…
Kitchen Cabinet Remedies For Fatigue
Feeling tired? This might help! If you’re feeling unusually tired but don’t see extra sleep in your future, consider trying a few of these simple – and maybe unexpected – home remedies for fatigue. Ever heard of potato water? It sounds strange, but if you read the explanation below you’ll see that this cocktail could…
Why Are You Having Headaches?
Types of Headaches No one enjoys headaches, but for many of us, they are regular events. The first step to finding relief from that distracting pain is to discover the type of headache. Since there are around 150 different types of headaches we’ll limit this post to a look at some of the most common types.…
Improve Your Health With A Good Laugh!
How Can A Good Laugh Improve Health? Does it sound to simple to say that a good laugh can improve health? How do you feel when you watch a really funny movie – one where you laugh so hard you have to stop and breathe? Or when you hear a funny story with family or…
Improve Anxiety With A Healthy Gut!
A Healthy Gut Could Improve Anxiety We are what we eat! Now it looks like a healthy gut could improve anxiety and depression. We’ve all heard the expression – we are what we eat – and let’s be honest, it rings true. As much as we sometimes hate to admit it when we eat a well…
Simple Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux
Make These Changes In Your Diet to Help Reduce Acid Reflux When you are struggling with the pain and discomfort of heartburn, or acid reflux it came seem like no matter what you eat the pain gets worse. In some severe cases that may be true and if so you may need advice from your…
Links To Stress And Infertility Found
Stress And Infertility Are Connected It was once thought that couples who wanted children and weren’t getting pregnant were “trying too hard.” The implication of that thought was that stress and infertility were linked. For some time now, however, this idea has been thought to be an old wives tale that didn’t contain any scientific…