Feeling tired? This might help!
If you’re feeling unusually tired but don’t see extra sleep in your future, consider trying a few of these simple – and maybe unexpected – home remedies for fatigue.
Ever heard of potato water? It sounds strange, but if you read the explanation below you’ll see that this cocktail could give you an essential mineral that you’re missing!
Sip Some Potato Water
While a brimming glass of fresh potato water may not sound like the first thing you’d want to relax on a hot summer day with, it’s actually a great home remedy for fatigue. Soaking slices of potato in water makes a potassium rich drink that can help you feel less tired and sluggish, as it replenishes a mineral many people have trouble getting enough of. Like magnesium, the body does not produce potassium-we have to consume it from outside sources. Because our diets these days tend to lean towards being nutrient deficient, it’s no wonder we find ourselves lacking in the potassium department.
Potassium doesn’t give you a direct jolt of energy, per say, but along with magnesium (as well as chloride and calcium) it is an electrolyte that is vital for the proper functioning of our cells and the release of energy and the conduction of electricity. Without enough of it, our muscles wouldn’t move properly and our nerve impulses wouldn’t fire right. By ensuring you have healthy levels of potassium, you can get an edge on feeling dull and tired all the time.
You will need…
-1 unpeeled potato
-8 ounces of fresh waterDirections
Slice up the potato (there’s no need to peel it- I realize I show them peeled in the photo but I went on auto pilot) and add to a glass of water. Allow it to steep overnight in the fridge, and drink first thing in the morning.
Perk-Up With Citrus
I adore citrus in pretty much all its forms. From lemon juice to orange juice and everything in between, it never ceases to come in handy for home remedies, and it’s refreshing as all get up. In the case of fatigue, start off your day with a glass of lemon water. The smell of a freshly sliced lemon alone will perk you up instantly, and the hydration will set your day up for success. Lemon water helps a number of conditions-such as preventing constipation-but there’s something about it that just revitalizes a tired body. If you find yourself dragging in the middle of the day, treat yourself to another glass. I couldn’t list off the chemical and molecular components of lemon water that fight fatigue, I can just say anecdotally that I (among many others) find it almost wondrous in regards to keeping up on energy.
Squeeze the half of a freshly sliced lemon/lime into a full glass of water. If it’s winter, make it warm water-if it’s summer, enjoy it chilled! Drink the whole thing, and repeat twice daily (with a mid-day boost if needed.) –EverydayRoots
Quick Tips To Perk You Up
Sometimes you don’t even have time for a nap, let alone to slow down your life and fit more rest in every night. But in those moments, all is not lost. There are quick things you can do, or supplements you can take, to help you get through the day.
Don’t use these as the ultimate answer, though. Getting enough rest is VITAL to a healthy life, and packing so much in that you don’t sleep won’t help in the long run.
So for today, try some of these ideas and remedies for fatigue to put a little extra pep in your step. But take some time soon to look at your schedule and find a way to put self-care back in the rotation.
Quick cures for fatigue
• For a quick pick-me-up, put two drops of peppermint oil on a tissue or handkerchief, hold it to your nose, and breathe deeply. If you have more time, try adding two drops of the oil to bathwater along with four drops of rosemary oil for an invigorating soak.
• Lie on your back and use pillows to prop your feet at a level higher than your head or, better yet, lie on an adjustable exercise bench or other surface that slants. In India, yogis fight fatigue through such practices by encouraging blood flow to the brain, which is thought to boost alertness.
Supplement your energy stores
• Ginseng is an age-old cure for that run-down feeling. Look for a supplement containing at least 4 percent ginsenosides, and take two 100-milligram capsules daily. This herbal remedy stimulates your nervous system and will help to protect your body from the ravages of stress. (Off-limits if you have high blood pressure.)
• Try taking 400 milligrams of magnesium every day. This mineral is involved in hundreds of chemical reactions in the body. It plays a role in changing protein, fat, and carbohydrates into energy sources. A mild deficiency may be the cause of fatigue in some people.
• Ginkgo improves blood flow to the brain, which can make you feel more alert and less fatigued. Take 15 drops of ginkgo tincture in the mornings.
• Consider supplements of the amino acid carnitine (available for sale on the Internet). This amino acid helps fuel the activity of mitochondria, cell components that produce energy. It’s found in some foods, but most people don’t get enough in their diets. Follow the dosage directions on the label.
• Coenzyme Q10, a substance produced by the body, also helps your mitochondria make energy. Take 30 milligrams twice a day, at breakfast and lunch. (It’s best absorbed when taken with food.) Coenzyme Q10 is also found in certain foods, including nuts and oils.
• Take a daily multivitamin to ensure you’re getting the minimum amount of nutrients your body needs. Deficiencies can pull the plug on your energy stores.
What do you do for a quick pick-me-up when you need one?